
Customer Testimonials

“Bill Simon is one of the brightest guys I know. He’s creative, decisive and deliberate. Bill has a talent for assessing a situation, drawing conclusions and offering recommendations for enhancement/improvement. Bill is trustworthy, honest and excellent at researching an issue.”  
– Bob K., Community Banking

Top qualities: Expert, On Time, High Integrity

“Bill has done an excellent job not only helping us come up with great promotional product ideas, but he has also followed through consistently and QUICKLY. He has also been willing to work with my late in the day, last minute requests!” – Seth W., Internet Technology Company

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, On Time

“As a political consultant, I have to juggle many clients and many projects at once. Bill Simon & ID Builders demonstrated to me their ability to work with me in a time-intensive, demanding environment to meet all product and delivery goals. ID Builders has a great focus on service and quality and I would use them again, as well as enthusiastically recommend them to anyone who needs excellent brand-building solutions at reasonable prices.” – Chase D., Political Consultant

Top Qualities: Communications, Service, Products, Problem Resolution

“Bill and ID Builders is relentless at coming up with out-of-the-box ideas and making sure his quality products are delivered on time and under budget. He is one of the most straightforward and honest people I know, and I trust him to get great results for my clients.” – Mike H., Political Consultant

Top qualities: Great Results, Good Value, High Integrity

“Bill Simon and ID Builders have provided a great service to our organization as we have sought to build our brand and increase our recognition. The value that Bill has brought to us is that he brings me ideas. He works with me when I only have a vague concept of what I want and helps me with his creative capabilities to produce a great product. He is easy to work with and delivers what and when he says he will. I have recommended Bill to friends and business contacts.” – Scott J., Political Party Chair

Top qualities: Great Results, On-Time Delivery, Creative Solutions

“I have hired Bill on several occasions to design, produce, and deliver customized marketing materials for my business.  I have always found Bill to be extremely genuine; and he is distinguished from his competitors by his authentic desire to creatively help you figure out which of his products will best accomplish your goals.  In addition to that, the quality of his products has always exceeded my expectations. The prices he offers are well within the competitive range. And he usually delivers sooner than expected.  If you are considering working with Bill, I am confident that you will be happy with the results.” – Lee M., Temporary Labor Company Owner

Top qualities: On-Time Delivery, High Integrity, Creative Solutions